Social Media Sales Strategy

Social Media Sales strategy

Consulting, Workshops, Implementation, Support

B2B networking with the suitable social media strategy

Rapidly advancing digitization and the constantly growing social media network, offer companies great advantages, but also disadvantages and risks. It is therefore all the more important to develop a suitable compliance and social media strategy. With the matching workshops, we work with you to develop the right guidelines for you and profitably expand your social media networking.

Defining goals and target groups

Customer journey target salesforce

Who do you want to address via social media channels and which channels do your target customers use? We work with you to define your business goals, develop a customer profile of your target groups, and determine your social media channels.

Industry specific customer journey

Branchen spezifische customer journey Industries specific

The customer journey describes the path taken by leads and customers until they make a purchase decision. We work with you to develop a road map along the customer journey and define your touchpoints to address your target groups.

Business-Know-how and Storytelling

Know how story telling customer journey

We reach your target groups with your company’s core competencies and your success stories. In social networks, stories are consumed above all. We excite your readers, with the enthusiasm to your product and service.

Strategic Sales Networking and Complience

Strategisches Sales Networking und Complience social selling

With a focus on your target groups, we develop your strategy and processes for your customer networking with you. To ensure that the target groups are addressed successfully and that your external communication reflects your strategy, a guideline is created.

Defining goals and target groups

Who do you want to address via social media channels and which channels do your target customers use? We work with you to define your business goals, develop a customer profile of your target groups, and determine your social media channels.

Customer journey target salesforce
Branchen spezifische customer journey Industries specific

Industry specific customer journey

The customer journey describes the path taken by leads and customers until they make a purchase decision. We work with you to develop a road map along the customer journey and define your touchpoints to address your target groups.

Business-Know-how und Storytelling

We reach your target groups with your company’s core competencies and your success stories. In social networks, stories are consumed above all. We excite your readers, with the enthusiasm to your product and service.

Know how story telling customer journey
Strategisches Sales Networking und Complience social selling

Strategic Sales Networking and Complience

With a focus on your target groups, we develop your strategy and processes for your customer networking with you. To ensure that the target groups are addressed successfully and that your external communication reflects your strategy, a guideline is created.

Free initial consultation

In a free initial consultation, we will talk about your challenge and provide you with first strategic support. 

Max Eichwald

Business Consultant