Reference Xvise innovative logistics

Customer Journey Road Map
in Campaign management

Xvise innovative logistics GmbH

Customer Journey Road Map
in Campaign management

Xvise innovative logistics GmbH

Xvise innovativ logistics

As a subsidiary of the Gebrüder Weiss Group, Xvise builds on 500 years of passion and experience in logistics and is one of Austria’s leading logistics consultants. Xvise is a reliable partner for smart logistics, e-commerce and practice-oriented supply chain management.

The challenge

The account and lead management should be structured customer-oriented, under industry-specific campaigns. At the same time, the company processes were to be optimized and implemented in Salesforce.

Step 1

Determining the status quo

We determined the current state of lead/customer management and the company processes and depicted them graphically. In the process, we analyzed the company’s requirements for Salesforce.

Strategische Customer Journey strategic

Step 1

Determining the status quo

Strategische Customer Journey strategic

We determined the current state of lead/customer management and the company processes and depicted them graphically. In the process, we analyzed the company’s requirements for Salesforce.

Step 2


Customer Journey and
Campaigns Management

Workshop Kampagnenmanagement Customer Journey

Together with the employees from marketing and sales, we put ourselves in the role of Xvise customers and built an industry-specific customer journey as an example. In the second part of the workshop, we developed the requirements profile for campaign management.

Step 3

Salesforce Implementation

Salesforce implementierung integration consulting coaching strategy

The requirements profile was implemented in the Salesforce system. In the course of this, additional parameters for Xvise’s own market analysis were created in the system and built up as data analytics in campaign management. As an extension, the possibility was created to individually plan and execute own customer journeys.

Step 4


Salesforce Coaching Einschulung

Finally, the new processes were presented to the Xvise employees. In the course of the training, active campaigns were already launched, individual customer journeys planned and initial evaluations carried out.

Workshop Kampagnenmanagement Customer Journey

Step 2


Customer Journey and
Campaigns Management

Together with the employees from marketing and sales, we put ourselves in the role of Xvise customers and built an industry-specific customer journey as an example. In the second part of the workshop, we developed the requirements profile for campaign management.

Step 3

Salesforce Implementation

The requirements profile was implemented in the Salesforce system. In the course of this, additional parameters for Xvise’s own market analysis were created in the system and built up as data analytics in campaign management. As an extension, the possibility was created to individually plan and execute own customer journeys.

Salesforce implementierung integration consulting coaching strategy
Salesforce Coaching Einschulung

Step 4


Finally, the new processes were presented to the Xvise employees. In the course of the training, active campaigns were already launched, individual customer journeys planned and initial evaluations carried out.


The now created possibility to organize the customer journey touchpoints individually in the Salesforce campaigns allows marketing and sales activities to be structured, planned and executed.

Through the new campaign management data analysis, the success of the respective marketing and sales campaigns can be measured and monitored. In this way, Xvise can continue to optimize lead and account management in the long term.

Would you like to know more about this project?

Just make an appointment with me!

Max Eichwald

Business Consultant